13 January 2011

Point Break...............

Sometimes you have to stop being who you are just to let people know who you CAN BE....Easy going as I am, I do have a breaking point.  Everyone does.  Some people just reach there's sooner than others.  Some people let things slide just because they don't like to sweat the small stuff........That's Me!
Often I just don't even care enough to address some things, because in the end they don't really matter.  But, letting things slide with some people actually does them a disservice....Especially when it's a child.  Now, my older children can tell you I DID NOT PLAY!  I would tear their asses UP with a QUICKNESS if they got out of line (which in my son's case was A LOT, lol)....But, the point is I would do it right then and there so they knew why they were getting it and that they did something that they can't get away with, with me.  My youngest though?....She's gotten "Mellow Mommy".  The one who's too tired to fight and just yells and puts on punishment (sometimes).....
Now before you all start calling DCFS and child abuse services.  Know that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all of my children.  There is just a difference in the way we interact.  With my son, it's a very caring relationship based on loyalty.  He knows whenever he needs something Mommy will try her best to get it done for him.  With my oldest daughter, it's like a sisterhood...we talk like friends now (not then, but now).  It's sort of the same with the youngest, we laugh a lot too.
But, "Mellow Mommy" has done the youngest a disservice.  I've always saw her as mature for her age, but never "too grown" until these past few days.  Where I've been having to put her mouth and attitude in check.  I did let her know, she has a BRAND NEW Mommy to deal with.  I have to flip her script to let her know that the things she's doing now, while I may tolerate them because of our bond.....LIFE WILL EAT HER ALIVE WITH.............
She has a limited amount of time here with me, so I need to get started YESTERDAY! So wish me luck, because I know this WILL NOT BE EASY....not easy, but VERY NECESSARY!!!!

I thank and appreciate all who will read.  Peace.

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