11 January 2011


I don't have a problem trusting people.  Because of my forgiving spirit, I don't have a problem with second chances.  Don't do third chances, but second chances are alright.
Everyone makes mistakes and has an ability to change (if they want to)....Who am I to judge?  Especially when I know the type of person I am/was/can be.
When you love someone, you give them your heart and trust them to keep it safe.  If they love you the same, they will be NO QUESTION.  No one else will be an issue, nothing else will be an obstacle.  The same goes with trusting someone.  When you trust someone, no one else will be able to come and tell you anything about the one you love and trust without you saying GTFOHWTBS or just walking away.  Nothing will stand in your way because you trust in that person, you know their heart and you know what they will and will not do.
That is not to say trust can never be compromised.  That is that second chance.  We are all human with flaws.  When we fall short and are remorseful (that's the key, being remorseful) depending on the person who needs to do the forgiving you may get a second chance to make everything right.  The key is to make it right! Know how to make it right and WANT to make it right.  Otherwise you fall back into the old habit, which makes the undesired behavior reappear, which will eventually breech that trust ~ again.  Then your chances are exhausted, trust is broken and while love may stay.....the FEELING will go...............

I thank and appreciate all who will read.  Peace.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, those who cant forgive have obviously forgotten what they've been forgiven for.
