13 February 2012

Without Whit.......

My title is a play on words....I didn't know Whitney Houston, so I wouldn't be presumptuous enough to give her a nick name, because I know I would hate that. (Pretty much the way I hate for someone to call me "Rave", lbs)......I'm saying that some of the people who are commenting on the death of Ms. Houston are "Without WITT" as in SENSE!!!!
Over this past weekend, I've seen/heard a lot of ignorant & judgmental things being said about Ms. Houston AND her sudden passing.  Everything from, "If she'd have never married Bobby Brown, she'd still be here.", "She was a junkie, so why are we throwing a pity party for her?" to "Why did she take a bath knowing she had taken all those pills? She should have taken a shower." (<----I deleted the idiot who said that without even commenting on that post. *smh*)
All I could think of when reading/hearing this idiocy was when I lost my mother over 2 years ago before the holidays...I know how devastated I was.  I know how I felt/feel...I thought about how I lost my friend a year ago this time......I know how devastated I was, I know how I felt/feel....
Then I thought of the fact that I'm a GROWN WOMAN & I was grown when this happened....Bobby Kristina is only 19 years old!!! She will turn 20 on my birthday, March 4th....I've always remembered that because I remember when she was born in 1992 & my daughter told me, "Whitney Houston had a baby today, on your birthday." Our birthday is soon & we both have to spend it without our mothers.  I'm not going to say I'm "used" to it, but this will be her 1st one without her mother (I've had three without mine). The way I feel as a grown woman with two of my own children who are older than her with the loss I've experienced....the way I still think of my Mama not ever seeing her great-grandchildren...and thinking that her mother will never see her GRAND-children. 
While people demonize her father, who I'm sure is there comforting/supporting her.  While people focus on her mother's shortcomings, instead of her triumphs...I hope they have a step ladder to bring themselves down from the pedestals they stand on so they don't trip & bust their heads coming down. *secretly hopes they do bust their heads WIDE OPEN, lol*
What I find interesting is that what Whitney Houston's death has done is it has aligned the "saints" with the "ain'ts"....The "holy rollers" have expressed the same ridiculous/judgmental garbage as the "low lifes" & "thugs".  The two demographics that are against one another have come together in stupidity to pass judgement & disrespect this woman & her family.  *smdh*......
So, for me...whenever my REAL judgement day comes & I'm asked...Who I'm affiliated with....I'm not claiming "saints" or "ain'ts"...The set I'm rolling with is "compassionate".  
So in honor of her, I've posted my favorite song that she sung.  I can't honestly say that I'm a "fan" and listened to her music often.  I can say I thought her voice was PHENOMENAL and she was BEAUTIFUL...but I don't want to be a phony/bandwagonner who says I was her "biggest fan"....But I can honestly say that her passing has shocked & saddened me.  I pray for her and her family.....her baby, ESPECIALLY!
Rest in peace Whitney Houston!!! 

I thank and appreciate all who will read. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. This was a great read Raven. Thanks for sharing. RIP Whitney.
