03 January 2011


I'm quite sure those of you who are my Facebook friends that read this can tell by my status, I was going here with my blog today. LBS....Besides that, I want to go "light" today to make up for drawing tears with yesterday's post.

Let me start with saying, I'm a FIRM believer in not getting in the middle of something that doesn't concern me. Not to say I'm not human and haven't listened to gossip or foolishness about someone else. But, as far as offering my voice OR opinion when I know it's not my business. Nope, I mind my own. Mainly because I know my life is not a template for anyone else's because it is MY LIFE. Also, no matter what someone may think of me, I'm not a mean person and I don't like to hurt people's feelings....Now, don't think that means I won't strike back at someone who hurts me or mine. It just means that I don't set out to see people in pain.

I have noticed recently, that people are basically stalking my Facebook page informing people in my life of anything that they even "think" may be out of line. Now are they doing this with any good intentions, I think not. Do I know exactly who it is? Well, not this time. The first time I did and I *ahem* addressed it (LOL). But, this time I really don't think I care enough to do so. If anything, I'm just sad for them that this is what they spend their time doing. Me, I'm going to write this blog and move "on to the next one".....If anyone reading thinks this "song is about them" I'd be happy to clarify, everyone who needs to knows how to get at me.

I just really think that when you really have a person's well being and interest at heart, you mind your own. Not meaning you ignore any one's pain. I couldn't do that with someone I love. I'm just saying, take some things for what they're worth. Stop "reading" things that aren't there in order to cause others pain or discomfort. Before you open your mouth, think about what you're going to say and the affect it will have on others. Think how you would feel if someone was telling you the same thing in the same context.

The people who come with the, "I'm not trying to upset you" really ARE trying to upset you. The people who come with the , "so & so said this & that" need to be asked, "When so & so was saying this & that...WTF did YOU say?" A friend of mine said it best, "Hurt ppl, hurt ppl!" I'm at a point in my life where I'm over the hurt....Nothing on this EARTH can hurt me like loosing my Mama hurt me, so all the petty drama and foolishness I'm well over and it BORES ME....I'm so on to bigger and better things in my life and those who want to come along for the ride, put your seat belts on....Those who want to sit back and facilitate the misery and drama, PLEASE MOVE AROUND....You're blocking my path......

I thank and appreciate all who will read (even the ones who are reading just to #runtelldat, lol). Peace.

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