10 January 2011

I Wouldn't....................

When I think about the person I was when I was younger, I think about how much advice I would give her now.  How many mistakes I would have stopped her from making and how many things I would have told her not to say.  But then I think if I hadn't made those mistakes, or said those things I wouldn't be the person I am today. 
I wouldn't be the caring person who knows all to well what mistakes and bad judgement can cost you.  How to make good decisions and help those who ask make good decisions as well.  Of course, even now I don't always make the right decision, but that's how life is and that's part of being human.  But, I know if I didn't have the past that I've had I wouldn't be the loving friend who knows how it is to have someone pretend to be your friend while stabbing you in the back.  I wouldn't know how to recognize and be a good friend.
Had that past not existed, in the way it existed.  I wouldn't have my children.  Wouldn't have that love and joy from and for them.  That is one of the reasons I don't say I wish I hadn't met their fathers.  Now, neither of them will win the TJMS Real Fathers Real Men Award (at least not when I'm listening to the radio, lol).  But had I never met them my children would not be exactly who they are now.
If I had lived a different life.  I wouldn't be the Raven I am now.  The one who learned so much about herself because of all the experiences I've been through.  The good ones or the bad ones.  I wouldn't be the person I like, who is so sure of herself.  Who LOVES herself.  I may not be the best person in the world but I do know I'm the best ME.  That satisfies me, I don't know if others like it so much, but OH WELL! LOL
Had my childhood been different I wouldn't have all the memories of my parents (good or bad).  I wouldn't have them love me in spite of myself and support me just because I needed them.  If it were different, I wouldn't have had all the time I had with my Mama or change the fact that for most of my life it was just the two of us against the world.  Spending most of our time together.  Making memories and having memorable conversations together. 
Of course there are things I look back on that I did then that I wouldn't dare do now...but who doesn't have those regrets?  There's nothing you can do about the past but accept it and move on...I wouldn't have it any other way.............

I thank and appreciate all who will read. Peace.

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