16 May 2011


This is all I've been doing lately. Thinking. Trying to make sure I'm making the right decisions for my life/love/future......I'm trying not to move too fast....or too slow. I know that life is short and it's definitely too short to let little things stress you or to let big things leave you.
I also know that when you look back on life and it's experiences some things/memories/AND PEOPLE in the past should stay in the past. Just because I've changed, I can't expect everyone to have changed. Just because I've changed for the better (which I feel I have). I have to realize that some people may have changed, but they may have changed for the WORSE.
Some people allow the past to alter them in a way that is detrimental to them and all around them. I chose not to be one of those people. I chose to learn from the past and not let it hinder my progress in the future. That is where my forgiving nature comes in.
I know some people may look back and remember some things that have happened to them and cringe at the thought of forgiveness. I can't lie, it may take time for me to forgive. But I DO FORGIVE. And not that phony type of forgiveness..."I forgive but I can't forget." If you have to say that before forgiving, then just forget it. Of COURSE you're not going to forget. All life experiences are part of your memory and some of them are ingrained there, never to be forgotten. However, you must look PAST the PAST.
That is what I've tried to do over these last few months. I know all is forgiven, but to let someone who I had to show so much forgiveness for back in took a lot. Then when you think about it, are some people really worthy or accepting of the invitation back into your life.
Sometimes yes, sometimes HELL NO! LBVS....But, who/what you decide to let come to your future is a decision only you can make. It's also a decision only YOU have to live with.

I thank and appreciate all who will read. ~ Peace


  1. Hey Raven, I understand where you are coming from. Good thing is that there is no rush, as far as how far in you bring that person. Take your time, feel them out, and see what feels comfortable for you. Above all, stay prayerful, and, as an old friend of mine says, "your first mind is your best mind."

  2. Yes, forgiveness can be tough, but God's grace is sufficient and I do agree that someone people should be forgiven, but never allowed back into your life.
