25 August 2011


This month has been a whirlwind of change for me.  My first born moved further away from me in order to broaden his horizons.  While I am happy about what he has to look forward to, I had a hard time dealing with him leaving (I cried most of the day).  It wasn't the first time we've ever been miles apart, but I just feel that since I lost my Mama, every change, disconnect, evolution is a heart-wrenching endeavor.
I also went to my class reunion.  I have been out of high school for 25 years. WOW! I'm old. LOL......This was a bittersweet weekend. Last year around this time, I was speaking with my friend Thelma about going to these "reunion" things.  She had been down for our "All Alumni Weekend".....I didn't make it to the picnic to hang out with her because I was in one of those "moods" where I didn't feel like socializing or leaving the house.  I promised her then, I wouldn't miss another alumni picnic AND that I would go to our 25th reunion with her.......
Well, this past February, my girl, my "twin" went to heaven without me and this past weekend I went to the reunion without her.  Every time I saw something funny or someone we used to hang out with (or even talk about, lol) I thought of what she would say and how she would make me laugh.  I even thought about how we would look dancing one of those many slides together (she was a great dancer). :).....As I looked through the pictures taken by many people over the weekend, I thought of how many pictures I was in and how many pictures would there have been of me & Thelma.

These past two years have been more than a journey for me.  Right now I'm starting to see the end of the rainbow.  Everything is not as I would like it to be.  I still hurt/cry/mourn.  But, I'm finding my way.  I'll be fine.

I thank and appreciate all who will read. Peace.

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