30 September 2011


I know I've been gone for a minute this time.  Over a month....That is not to say I haven't had things to write about, it's just to say, there is SO much to write about I don't know where to start......I could go personal, but I will save that for when my wounds are not so fresh and when I know where my resolution for peace is.

"Homicide's illegal and death is the penalty.  What justifies the homicide?  When he dies in his own inequity?" ~ Masta Killa (WuTang Clan) "Da Mystery of Chessboxin'"

I am more than sure that you all know what happened to Troy Davis last Thursday.  How the state of Georgia committed what I like to call, "Constitutional Homicide". How many of you are also aware that in the SAME STATE of Georgia on the SAME DAY, a Caucasian man was granted clemency because the board of parole felt he showed "remorse" and because he had a drug "problem".....I will be honest, I had not heard of Troy Davis, or his story until recently.  But, what I did hear was from day ONE he maintained his innocence.  That he was not guilty of killing the off duty police officer.  Now, real talk, Troy Davis was not a "model citizen"...Hell, who is?  I'm not.  I roll through stop signs, throw straw wrappers out my car window and yes I will buy "Hood Goods". #sueme LOL....But, no matter what his criminal record said...Did he deserve to die for something he quite possibly didn't do?  My stance actually is, DID HE DESERVE TO DIE AT ALL???  If in every one's Bibles or other religious doctrines it maintains that killing is a sin or wrong.  What gives the government the right/authority/omnipotence to kill in the name of justice?
I hate to think of anything happening to anyone I love or me.  But, I want to state for the record, I would prefer that a murderer be locked up for 23 hours a day for the rest of their lives than killed.  If you really think about it, when they die...THEY'RE FREE!  They no longer suffer in this world and have gone on to the next and are at peace.  While the victim is still dead, the family still suffers.  No, not for me, I want them to be locked up and told when to eat, drink, breathe and use the restroom.  Why release them from this hell and leave me here to mourn/suffer/grieve?
Now lastly, let me say this....while I'll readily admit that I was not aware of Troy Davis' situation until the "media" decided to start covering it.  I will say I have been aware for quite some time of the plight of Mumia Abu Jamal....You've never heard of him? Don't know what's going on?  Well here is an opportunity for all of "us" to do something before the "final hours" or last minute.  Mumia Abu Jamal has a Facebook page....Like it, find out more about him and his situation.  Or follow him @MumiaAbuJamal on Twitter.  Stand up and become involved, fight to get him off death row like many of you may have done for Troy Davis.  Not just because these are black men, or because Mumia is a political prisoner....BECAUSE THE DEATH PENALTY IS NOT JUSTICE! IT'S HOMICIDE!!!

I thank and appreciate all who will read. Peace.

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