15 July 2011


This title word and it's definition really get under my skin.  I don't like to patronize people and I DEFINITELY don't like when someone tries to patronize me.  It's an EXTREME insult to my intelligence.  Ask anyone who really knows me and they will tell you that I would rather you punch me than to treat me like I'm an idiot. LBS.....
Lately, I've found that some people are so smart....THEY'RE DUMB AS HELL!!! I've heard older people say that my whole life, but never realized until recently what they meant.  Some people can "smart" themselves into catch 22 situations that they don't even know they're in.  You know why they don't know?  Because they are too stupid to know.  #sadbuttrue
Then the sadder thing is that what they do not only affects them, but it affects those around them.  Well, maybe all the time it's not a sad thing.  Sometimes when a person sees another person going in a bad direction they may say, "I don't want that to be me.  That is not normal."  But, too often, it's someone looking at bad behavior saying, "This is normal.  This is how life is."
After all of the loss and pain of my life, I want and will have my life as "normal" as possible.  The perfect amount of normalcy for me would of course include my Mama....but wishful thinking aside....I know that the normalcy I will have from this day forth will include the love I have been giving/receiving from those around me who CLEARLY love me.  It will be minus drama/pettiness/foolishness....Insignificant people and their events will be handled the way the Universe has designed and I will not focus my energy on them or any of their negativity.....I'm too FABULOUS for FOOLISHNESS. #newmotto LOL

I thank and appreciate all who will read. Peace.

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